Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The god of small things Essay Example

The god of small things Essay Example The god of small things Paper The god of small things Paper Essay Topic: The God Of Small Things Velutha had worked at the Paradise Pickles and Preserves Factory for a number of years and had been a worker (caste aside) who was appreciated for what he does. He had become an invaluable worker, with Mammachi giving him the accolade that if only he hadnt been a Paravan, he might have become an engineer. [7] I think Roy adopts a more lenient portrayal of Velutha as a Paravan. Mammachi pays him less than a touchable carpenter but more than a Paravan[8]. Veluthas presence is unsettling to many who believe he acts above his station. Veluthas oppression is compounded by the fact that his own father seems to reject his behaviour. : Perhaps it was just a lack of hesitation. An unwarranted assurance. In the way he walked. The way he held his head. The quiet way he offered suggestions without being asked. Or the quiet way in which he disregarded suggestions without appearing to rebel[9]. In the context of this novel, Roy portrays Velutha as someone who doesnt really adopt a different lifestyle simply because he is of an apparent lower class. In simple terms Velutha doesnt adhere to the unfortunate limitations placed upon him to the idea of being of a lower class and he openly acts in a way that implies he doesnt regard him being an inferior person. I dont think that this is ignorance on Veluthas part, simply Roys ability to expose and explore peoples reactions to those who go against the social conventions of the time. Hindus believe that being an Untouchable is punishment for having been bad in a former life. By being good and obedient, an Untouchable can obtain a higher rebirth. Veluthas lack of complacency causes him many problems throughout the novel. It was not entirely his fault that he lived in a society where a mans death could be more profitable than his life had ever been [10]. Although he is a dedicated member of the Marxist Party, his Untouchable status makes other party members dislike him. This idea is comical in its entirety; Velutha is accepted into this party and yet still manages to be denied full recognition as a party member. When Velutha has an affair with Ammu he breaks the rigid love laws, he breaks the rigid social rules of the caste system and therefore he must be punished for his actions. Roy describes the policemens violent actions as being done out of fear, civilizations fear of nature, mens fear of women, powers fear of powerlessness[11]. The division between the Touchables and Untouchables is so ingrained in Kerala society that Velutha is seen as a nonhuman. If they hurt Velutha more than they intended to, it was only because any kinship, and connection between themselves and him, any implication that if nothing else, at least biologically he was a fellow creature- had been severed a long time ago. [11i] Looking at the History House, it demonstrates exactly how those who go against the rules of society are treated. It seems as though the police use force and then hope to answer questions later. Society responds to this act swiftly, with unwavering harshness[12]. Roy doesnt treat the beating of Velutha with dignity or nobility, to which I thought she might, but with gritty detail thud of wood on flesh boot on bone[13]. This grittiness is used by Roy to perhaps contrast with the graceful and enchanted[14] use of vocabulary that goes before. The book as a whole has been acclaimed for its flowery and extravagant use of words and the way theyve been put together. But with this chapter in particular this typical Roy technique subsides to become a more real representation of whats happening. She uses short, sharp sentences to mirror the continual attack of Velutha. Roy makes it clear that the police hold no regard for Velutha, and presents it in such a way that the police feel it is their duty to do what they did, they were merely inoculating a community against an outbreak. [15] I think the image of one policeman flicking at his (Veluthas) penis with a stick[16] expresses his and perhaps societys need to be dominant. This mocking of someones manhood, someone who cant argue back is suggestive of society as a whole where people are oppressed because of their caste, sex, even age. But I think that Roy does go too far in trying to glorify the character of Velutha. Although I think his death was acceptable within the context of the novel, Velutha as a character doesnt seem to fit in with gritty realism and despair of others. Roy liked to use symbolism in the novel and the Untouchable could therefore be more a symbol than a person, necessarily distant from the middle class embroilments that engulf him. [17] It could also be argued that Roy suffers from constraints, that she follows political correctness in the novel and feels compounded to depict the oppressed untouchable without criticism. Similarly the death of Ammu seems too much as if Roy is succumbing to the power of the Indian-woman-as-victim[18]. Limitations placed on females are inherent in Indian society, perhaps all over the world, and Arundhati Roy uses this prejudice to good effect in the novel. Mammachi is a character who is weighed down heavily by male dominance. As the founder of the family pickle factory, this is one of only a few acts of female assertiveness. And yet she is still not given the respect that she deserves, One night Pappachi broke the bow of Mammachis violin[19]. Mammachi runs the business and Whenever anything serious happened in the factory, it was always to Mammachi and not Chacko that the news was brought. [20] But still it is Chacko who assumes the position of the leader of the factory. It seems, inbuilt into the minds of men is the impression that they shall take a dominant role in affairs whether it is their rightful place or not. Chacko arrogantly says My pickles, my jam, my curry powders. [21] However it could be argued that this arrogance is not in Chackos character but merely representative of mens attitudes towards women in India as a whole. Not only is Mammachi contending with her chauvinistic son who frequently uses the women at the factory for sex she also has to contend with her husband, Pappachi. We clearly see the relationship that Mammachi has reluctantly stayed in for many years is wrong. And we find it hard to understand why Mammachi has put up with the beatings for so long. However what Roy is trying to say is that in Indian society leaving your husband is not the done thing, whatever the circumstances. Roy beautifully and yet painfully uses the description of the great grandmothers portrait With her eyes she looked in the direction her husband looked. With her heart she looked away[22] to reveal to the reader the true feelings of Mammachi- a feeling that we as readers suspect to be true but which hadnt been revealed to us. Roy deals with this concept without emotion, which allows the reader to impart the emotion. Perhaps she feels that as English readers we can empathise more with the wife beating because we live in a society that holds no regard for the abuser, whereas Indian readers may be more used to a husband beating a wife, and therefore accept that it happens. Although Roy introduces us to a culture that has many differences to the one that we are part of she does try to make it more accessible to western readers. Now and again Roy will use a minor detail such as television to remind us that this country is not alien. When reading the novel it is hard not to get encapsulated into the unfolding story and at times Kerala does seem like another world. However these minor touches to detail remind us that this is a country that is not so different, albeit that it has differences with respect to traditions. I think Baby Kochammas encounter with the material world is quite amusing- the idea that she has lived her life backwards. As a young woman she renounced the material world, and now, as an old one, she seemed to embrace it. She hugged it and it hugged back[23]. This possibly shows a warmer side to Baby Kochamma or most probably is symbolic of the idea that if someone shows a little love they would receive a little love. This love is evidently missing from the life of Baby Kochamma. For Roy to fully exploit and explain the culture in Kerala would be intensely difficult; and to accomplish it in a novel is simply impossible. We mustnt forget that The God of Small Things is a novel, and that Roy dictates what happens- Velutha is not a real person, Sophie Mol didnt die and probably doesnt exist. But as the reader we are drawn into her [Roys] story and can only be intrigued by the new ways of life introduced to us by Kerala, India. One critic has said that the women in Kerala are relatively free[24]. But as the Western reader we can only take the perspective of how we expect women to be treated in society. It can be argued that we still place limitations on women, yet when presented with the restraints on women in the novel we feel astounded at how confined women are. Roy allows us as readers to make up our own mind about the culture of India; she doesnt simply condemn the caste system or the repression of women. Vulnerability, the ability to be physically and psychologically wounded, appears in this novel as the condition almost all the characters; whether likeable or unlikable, share. I think the role of the bitter and resentful Baby Kochamma is used by Roy to show how people, especially women, can be affected by their surroundings and moulded into the person they become. Roys intentions in writing the novel were probably to move away from the conventional exotic post-colonial novels about the land of heat and dust, incense and spices[25] and impart some gritty realism into Indian society. She shows death, family decay, incest, paedophilia for what they are but intertwined with them is exotic and vibrant language. This antithesis I feel is what makes the novel more tragic because on one hand you are tempted by the bright mangoes Red bananas[26] and on the other are repulsed by the gurgle of blood on a mans breath[27]. It is these stark contrasts that will forever alter the course of the lives of all the members of the family, sending them each off on spinning trajectories of regret and pain. [28] The problem is, its a very sad book and somehow the sadness of the book is what stays with me. [Arundhati Roy][29]. I think the sadness is not simply the deaths of Sophie Mol and Velutha, or the destruction of lives but why these things occur: caused by the unlawful set of laws that dictate the lives of Indian society. Word count: 2567 words References [1] www. freespeech. org/manushi/103/review. html [2] http:/website. lineone. net/~jon. simmons/roy. com [3] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [4] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [5] www.emory. edu/ENGLISH/Bahri/caste. html [6] Mr. Williams English teacher [7] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [8] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [9] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [10] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [11] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [11i] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [12] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [13] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [14] www. londonstudent. org. uk/4issue/arts/godofsmall. htm [15] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [16] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [17] www. freespeech. org/manushi/103/review. html [18] www. freespeech. org/manushi/103/review. html [19] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [20] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [21] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [22] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [23] www. freespeech. org/manushi/103/review. html [24] www. wsu. edu:8080/~brians/anglophone/roy. html [25] www. freespeech. org/manushi/103/review. html [26] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy [27] The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. [28] www. curledup. com/godsmall. htm [29] Arundhati Roy Bibliography i The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy i www. freespeech. org/manushi/103/review. html i www. emory. edu/ENGLISH/Bahri/caste. html i www. londonstudent. org. uk/4issue/arts/godofsmall. html i www. wsu. edu:8080/~brians/anglophone/roy. html i www. india50. com/arundhatI. html i www. postcolonialweb. org/india/roy/nishant1. html i endeavor. med. nyu. edu/lit-med/ /webdocs/webdescrips/roy1177-des-. html i www. becal. net/toolkit/damaris/godost. html i www. greenville. edu/~hayes/roy. html.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Understanding and Using Pointers in Delphi

Understanding and Using Pointers in Delphi Even though pointers arent as important in Delphi as they are in C or C, theyre such a basic tool that almost anything having to do with programming must deal with pointers in some fashion. Its for that reason that you might read about how a string or object is really just a pointer, or that an event handler such as OnClick, is actually a pointer to a procedure. Pointer to Data Type Simply put, a pointer is a variable that holds the address of anything in memory. To concrete this definition, keep in mind that everything used by an application is stored somewhere in the computers memory. Because a pointer holds the address of another variable, its said to point to that variable. Most of the time, pointers in Delphi point to a specific type: variValue, j : integer;pIntValue : ^integer;beginiValue : 2001;pIntValue : iValue;...j: pIntValue^;end; The syntax to declare a pointer data type uses a caret (^). In the above code, iValue is an integer type variable and pIntValue is an integer type pointer. Since a pointer is nothing more than an address in memory, we must assign to it the location (address) of the value stored in the iValue integer variable. The operator returns the address of a variable (or a function or procedure as will be seen below). Equivalent to the operator is Addr function. Note that pIntValues value is not 2001. In this sample code, pIntValue is a typed integer pointer. Good programming style is to use typed pointers as much as you can. The Pointer data type is a generic pointer type; it represents a pointer to any data. Note that when ^ appears after a pointer variable, it de-references the pointer; that is, it returns the value stored at the memory address held by the pointer. In this example, variable j has the same value as iValue. It might look like this has no purpose when we can simply assign iValue to j, but this piece of code lies behind most calls to Win API. NILing Pointers Unassigned pointers are dangerous. Since pointers let us work directly with computers memory, if we try to (by mistake) write to a protected location in memory, we could get an access violation error. This is the reason we should always initialize a pointer to NIL. NIL is a special constant that can be assigned to any pointer. When nil is assigned to a pointer, the pointer doesn’t reference anything. Delphi presents, for example, an empty dynamic array or a long string as a nil pointer. Character Pointers The fundamental types PAnsiChar and PWideChar represent pointers to AnsiChar and WideChar values. The generic PChar represents a pointer to a Char variable. These character pointers are used to manipulate null-terminated strings. Think of a PChar as being a pointer to a null-terminated string or to the array that represents one. Pointers to Records When we define a record or other data type, its a common practice also to define a pointer to that type. This makes it easy to manipulate instances of the type without copying large blocks of memory. The ability to have pointers to records (and arrays) makes it much easier to set up complicated data structures as linked lists and trees. typepNextItem ^TLinkedListItemTLinkedListItem recordsName : String;iValue : Integer;NextItem : pNextItem;end; The idea behind linked lists is to give us the possibility to store the address to the next linked item in a list inside a NextItem record field. Pointers to records can also be used when storing custom data for every tree view item, for example. Procedural and Method Pointers Another important pointer concept in Delphi is procedure and method pointers. Pointers that point to the address of a procedure or function are called procedural pointers. Method pointers are similar to procedure pointers. However, instead of pointing to standalone procedures, they must point to class methods. Method pointer is a pointer that contains information about both the name and object thats being invoked. Pointers and Windows API The most common use for pointers in Delphi is interfacing to C and C code, which includes accessing the Windows API. Windows API functions use a number of data types that might be unfamiliar to the Delphi programmer. Most of the parameters in calling API functions are pointers to some data type. As stated above, we use null-terminated strings in Delphi when calling Windows API functions. In many cases, when an API call returns a value in a buffer or pointer to a data structure, these buffers and data structures must be allocated by the application before the API call is made. The SHBrowseForFolder Windows API function is one example. Pointer and Memory Allocation The real power of pointers comes from the ability to set aside memory while the program is executing. This piece of code should be enough to prove that working with pointers is not as hard as it might seem at first. Its used to change the text (caption) of the control with the Handle provided. procedure GetTextFromHandle(hWND: THandle) ;var pText : PChar; //a pointer to char (see above)TextLen : integer;begin{get the length of the text}TextLen:GetWindowTextLength(hWND) ;{alocate memory}GetMem(pText,TextLen) ; // takes a pointer{get the controls text}GetWindowText(hWND, pText, TextLen 1) ;{display the text}ShowMessage(String(pText)){free the memory}FreeMem(pText) ;end;

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paper on Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paper on Language - Essay Example Another more recent definition of language is given by Michael Holiday. According to him: "Language is a range of possibilities, an open-ended set of options in behavior that are available to the individual in his existence as social man. The context of culture is the environment of any particular selection that is made from within them ... The context of culture defines the potential, the range of possibilities that are open. The actual choice among these possibilities takes place within a given context of situation." This definition is much more encompassing as it highlights that language is not just through the use of vocal or oral symbols but a range of possibilities. Man communicates through speech, writing, and still other means are introduced in this digital age. A human also engage in non-verbal communication through his actions and entire behavior. Holiday also asserts that language can only fully understood in the context of the culture of the speaker or his lexicon. Lexicon is defined as the "knowledge of that the speaker has about a language." This includes information about the form and meaning of the words and phrases, lexical categorization, the appropriate usage of words, relationship between words and phrases, and categories of words and phrases. b. Evaluate the key features of language. The understanding of language can be acquired by evaluating its key features (Design features of Language 2007). 1. Duality of patterning is a basic principle in human language. This feature of language provides an economic way for human beings to create an infinite set of linguistic units. It should be noted that the individual sounds comprising language is meaningless in themselves. Yet, these sounds can be combined together in other to become produce an infinite number of "meaningful utterances." 2. Displacement refers to the unique sense of time in human beings. As opposed to animals, humans have the ability to separate the past from the future and can talk about these time spheres. 3. Open-endedness describes the ability of humans to add new words to the current set of words. This is illustrated by the words which are coined according to our new experiences and innovations which augment, enhance, and even modify our language. 4. Arbitrariness refers to the lack of "natural or essential relationship" between to the words and the objects they refer to. This also highlights that the meaning of the words are constructed through social conventions. 5. Vocal-auditory channel is the feature of human language which sets it apart from animals. Human's communication is through the ears and the mouth and not through other channels like nose or eyes. c. Describe the four levels of language structure and processing. There are four levels of language structure and processing namely, grammar, logic, semantics, and general semantics. Grammar relations refer to the words to words relationship within a sentence without considering the relation of each sentence to another. Logic takes a step further by looking at the statement to statement relationships by evaluating subjects and predicates in an

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Larval therapy for venous leg ulcers Literature review

Larval therapy for venous leg ulcers - Literature review Example The maggots then proceed to consume the infections present in the wound and eventually ‘clean’ up the ulceration. This study shall provide a critical appraisal of larval therapy for venous leg ulcers. Initially, the background and aetiology of the disease shall be provided, followed by a critical appraisal of eight studies pertinent to this topic. This study is being carried out in order to establish a scholarly and comprehensive assessment of available literature on larval therapy on venous leg ulcers; it also seeks to assess the future general applicability of this therapy in the clinical practice. Venous leg ulcers are chronic and non-healing wounds or ulcerations on the leg or foot (NHS Choices, 2010). It is usually accompanied with symptoms of pain, itching, and inflammation in the affected area. Venous leg ulcers are seen when there is a persistent high pressure of blood in the veins of the legs which can later cause damage to the skin. Venous leg ulcers affect 1 i n 500 individuals in the UK with rates increasing sharply with age (NHS Choices, 2010). About one person in every 50 over the age of 80 has a high risk for venous leg ulcers. Risk factors for this disease include immobility, obesity, advancing age, and varicosities (NHS Choices, 2010). The prognosis for venous leg ulcers is more or less good, however, with diabetic and elderly patients, the management may take longer. Nevertheless, with appropriate treatment, the healing can be ensured. Venous leg ulcers are caused by damage to the veins located in the legs (NHS Choices, 2010). Venous problems can be seen with the valves in the veins improperly functioning. As a result, blood flows backwards into the previous valves causing pooling in the lower trunks of the veins. With increased pressure in the veins, damage to the veins, and later the skin can become apparent (NHS Choices, 2010). Constant high blood pressure in the legs can cause leaks which then cause swelling and damage to the s kin, thereby leading to the ulcerations. Critical appraisal In the study by Dumville, et.al., (2009), the authors clearly presented the goals of their research which was basically to compare the clinical effectiveness of larval therapy with standard debridement techniques for necrotic leg ulcers. The relevance and importance of the research was indicated by the authors, mostly in relation to cost effectiveness of various therapies for venous leg ulcers (Dumville, et.al., 2009). This goal is relevant because of the fact that the cost of medical interventions has increased and the need to decrease and manage medical costs for patients and for health care in general has become a more imperative requirement in the current age of health and economic crisis. The introduction and the literature review were able to establish the concept and the idea behind the research, including its possible benefits to the clinical practice. The hypothesis has not however been clearly stated, but can be i mplied from the initial chapters of the study. The author implies the higher benefits which can be gained from the use of larval therapy for venous leg ulcers. The main terms of the study are defined and can easily be deduced from the authors’ presentation. The research also presented a well focused question, including a clearly defined population specifically defined through the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The interventions to be used by the authors were also specified with specific expected outcomes defined. In assessing the design chosen, the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Understanding World Happenings in Africa Essay Example for Free

Understanding World Happenings in Africa Essay When Paul Theroux visited Africa during the 1960s, many African countries were forming their own governments after doing away with colonial rule (An Interview, 2007). Paul taught English to children in Uganda and Malawi during that time. But when he returned to Africa almost forty years later, he was shocked as well as disappointed to see that his good old school library, which used to be the core of one of the finest schools in East Africa, had no light bulbs and all of its book shelves had been emptied by plunderers (Theroux, 2003). Doing away with colonial rule was not so good for the African countries after all. Rather, according to Paul, African countries after the colonial rule â€Å"have fared badly, because of poor leadership, lack of resources, the colonial hangover, the subversion of foreign institutions. † Moreover, corruption is rampant, and the African governments rely on the poverty of their peoples to get foreign aid. Someone besides the African people seems to be using the foreign aid, however, seeing as the African people remain poor and needy. What is more, countless African people whom Paul encountered during his second trip to Africa, reported that they would like to move out of Africa altogether (An Interview). Paul describes poverty as such a big problem in Africa that he almost lost his life because of it. In northern Kenya and on the road known as Marsabit, some â€Å"shifta† or wandering bandits shot at the travel writer. They do not want your life, bwana. They want your shoes, Paul explained in his book, Dark Star Safari: Overland From Cairo to Cape Town (Theroux). Did Paul imagine at the time that he would perhaps have been safe if the land of Africa was still under colonial rule? The law and order situation in the Western world – the colonialists and the imperialists of yesteryears – are definitely seen as safer places on our planet, despite the fact that UNDERSTANDING WORLD HAPPENINGS IN AFRICA Page # 2 they have their own share of violence to handle. And yet, the law and order situation in other parts of the world cannot be compared to what is happening in the Western world. In the non-Western world, a lot of countries have remained poor and needy even after doing away with the colonial rule. As a matter of fact, the colonialists were pushed out of many nations in hordes close to mid-twentieth century. What did the countries that pushed out the colonialists achieve in the name of freedom? – Perhaps only the belief that they are basically separate from others. In actuality, the so-called ‘freedom’ and ‘independence’ gained by the African countries, the subcontinent, and other non-Western regions of the world has not be true freedom and independence from heartbreaking problems such as beggary, sickness, and illiteracy (Theroux). While the Western world grew richer through the Internet and globalization, starting from the latter half of the twentieth century, various non-Western regions of the world remained poor and needy without good use of the Internet and globalization. Even Japan and China continued to believe in economic nationalism without feeling the need to make immense profits through globalization. Paul experienced the difference between the Western world and the non-Western world during his second trip to Africa especially through the word, â€Å"safari. † According to the writer, â€Å"safari† is a Swahili world which essentially means ‘incommunicado’ or being completely out of touch. So, if anybody (like Paul) wants to spend time in a place where there are not many (if any) Internet cafes or means to access mobile phones; he or she must be visiting Africa to get away from it all (Theroux). Technology has not made its way into African countries in a big way. Without technology, the African nations have undoubtedly stayed behind UNDERSTANDING WORLD HAPPENINGS IN AFRICA Page # 3 the Western world in terms of their economies and living standards. They have not been able to encounter progress along with the Western nations that are technologically advanced. Thus, the African countries – like many other technologically backward nations in the non-Western world – have failed to develop. These countries are dependent on the Western world for aid. What is more, although the majority of people of such nations have undeveloped minds because of lack of education, the countries as a whole have shown great arrogance in terms of shunning colonial rule and its likes. In Hong Kong, the British government stayed in power almost until the end of the twentieth century. Today, Hong Kong is very advanced. But Africa and the subcontinent are not advanced at all, the reason being that they pushed out the colonialists before the latter could work wonders for the nations they had probably come to occupy for a good reason. America, too, had pushed out colonialists before the African and Asian countries followed. However, America was backed by another Western power at the time of its independence. Hence, its history cannot be compared to the history of the non-Western world. The fact, therefore, remains: Our world has been divided even after the world wars, and would not easily allow developed countries to take over underdeveloped ones in order to solve the problems of the latter. When and if the developed countries do take over, they must encounter hatred and distrust, which eventually pushes them away and out of the undeveloped nations for good. References 1. â€Å"An Interview with Paul Theroux. † (2007). Book Browse. Retrieved from http://www. bookbrowse. com/author_interviews/full/index. cfm? author_number=886. (11 April 2007). 2. Theroux, Paul. (2003). Dark Star Safari: Overland From Cairo to Cape Town. Boston: Houghton Miffin, 2003.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Clothing and Gender in Virginia Woolfs Orlando Essay -- Virginia Wool

Clothing and Gender in Virginia Woolf's Orlando In her novel Orlando, Virginia Woolf tells the story of a man who one night mysteriously becomes a woman. By shrouding Orlando's actual gender change in a mysterious religious rite, we readers are pressured to not question the actual mechanics of the change but rather to focus on its consequences. In doing this, we are invited to answer one of the fundamental questions of our lives, a question that we so often ignore because it seems so very basic - what is a man? What is a woman? And how do we distinguish between the two? It seems that in ordinary life, we are most likely to distinguish between a man and a woman by clothing. This is more difficult to do in the present day, in which women have adapted much traditionally male clothing for their own use, but in the time periods in which Orlando is set it was still the case that men and women wore distinct clothing. If we consider our everyday experience, it becomes clear that this is the means we use, at least from a distance. Other cues such as hairstyle, quality of voice, and so on enter the equation later, but clothing comes first. A man with long hair is eccentric at worst; a man wearing a dress runs the risk of being beaten to a pulp for this transgression. People wishing to undergo a sex-change operation must undergo a period of living as the opposite gender before going through with surgery - the first and most important thing invariably done here is to purchase a new wardrobe. So, if clothes are the cues that we use to differentiate the two genders, then it is no surprise that Orlando's sex change takes place when it does. In the opening paragraph of Chapter Four, upon Orlando's departure from Turkey, Woolf writes... ...ch woman when in fact it is not very clear what she is. Woolf posits that her choice of clothing points to something deeper: "Clothes are but a symbol of something deep beneath. It was a change in Orlando herself that dictated her choice of a woman's dress and of a woman's sex" (188). If only it were possible for us to change our genders and all the social baggage that comes with them merely by changing our clothing? But Orlando's life is in some ways magical, and this makes it possible. Works Cited and Consulted Boehm, Beth A. "Fact, Fiction, and Metafiction: Blurred Gen(d)res in Orlando and A Room of One's Own." Journal of Narrative Technique 22:3 (1992): 191-204. Thompson, Nicola. "Some Theories of One's Own: Orlando and the Novel." Studies in the Novel 25:3 (1993): 306-17. Woolf, Virginia. Orlando: A Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Clothing and Gender in Virginia Woolf's Orlando Essay -- Virginia Wool Clothing and Gender in Virginia Woolf's Orlando In her novel Orlando, Virginia Woolf tells the story of a man who one night mysteriously becomes a woman. By shrouding Orlando's actual gender change in a mysterious religious rite, we readers are pressured to not question the actual mechanics of the change but rather to focus on its consequences. In doing this, we are invited to answer one of the fundamental questions of our lives, a question that we so often ignore because it seems so very basic - what is a man? What is a woman? And how do we distinguish between the two? It seems that in ordinary life, we are most likely to distinguish between a man and a woman by clothing. This is more difficult to do in the present day, in which women have adapted much traditionally male clothing for their own use, but in the time periods in which Orlando is set it was still the case that men and women wore distinct clothing. If we consider our everyday experience, it becomes clear that this is the means we use, at least from a distance. Other cues such as hairstyle, quality of voice, and so on enter the equation later, but clothing comes first. A man with long hair is eccentric at worst; a man wearing a dress runs the risk of being beaten to a pulp for this transgression. People wishing to undergo a sex-change operation must undergo a period of living as the opposite gender before going through with surgery - the first and most important thing invariably done here is to purchase a new wardrobe. So, if clothes are the cues that we use to differentiate the two genders, then it is no surprise that Orlando's sex change takes place when it does. In the opening paragraph of Chapter Four, upon Orlando's departure from Turkey, Woolf writes... ...ch woman when in fact it is not very clear what she is. Woolf posits that her choice of clothing points to something deeper: "Clothes are but a symbol of something deep beneath. It was a change in Orlando herself that dictated her choice of a woman's dress and of a woman's sex" (188). If only it were possible for us to change our genders and all the social baggage that comes with them merely by changing our clothing? But Orlando's life is in some ways magical, and this makes it possible. Works Cited and Consulted Boehm, Beth A. "Fact, Fiction, and Metafiction: Blurred Gen(d)res in Orlando and A Room of One's Own." Journal of Narrative Technique 22:3 (1992): 191-204. Thompson, Nicola. "Some Theories of One's Own: Orlando and the Novel." Studies in the Novel 25:3 (1993): 306-17. Woolf, Virginia. Orlando: A Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blood Ties and Families Essay

Many social scientists reject the idea that ‘families can be defined only by blood ties. ’ Discuss. The Oxford Dictionary meaning of family is noun (plural families) 1 [treated as singular or plural] a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit. There are many different ideas about what makes a family, and is this idea of what a family is universal and the children’s perspectives. There is a lot of debate with social scientists about the family. Functionalists say that the term family is a universal institution performing functions for society’s survival. Sociologist Murdock suggest that each family has for functions in order to be classified as a family. They are, a common residence, however there are many cases in which families do not share a common residence for example if a child is at boarding school or a parent is in the armed forces. (Murdock, cited by Gittins, D, p. 2). (Gutman 1976) found that it was common among black slave families in the USA for a husband and wide to live on different plantations and see one another for a few hours once or twice a week. Soliende de Gonzalez cited by gittins) found this type of household very common in black Carib society: â€Å"there are groupings which I have called â€Å"dispersed families† in which the father, even though he is absent for long periods of time he still retains ultimate authority over a household for which he provides the only support, and where affective bonds continue to be important between him and his wife and his children†. (Mudock cited by Gittins p. ) next family function is economic co-operation, it’s a broad term and can encompass a wide range of activities such as sleeping and cooking, it occurs between households as well as between individuals within the household (Murdock cited by Gittins p. 4) third is his definition of sexuality is heterosexuality, even though this is only one of many forms of sexuality. They say that this is the most important function of a family because it leads to reproduction. He also suggests that they get pressured into thi nking that’s heterosexuality is a ‘socially approved relationship’ between two adults. However there are critisms of Murdock as he doesn’t take into account the diversity of the ways in which co-residence, economic relations, sexuality and reproduction. Many sociologists say that they are simply western values and ideas of what a family should be like and assume that everyone will agree. (Jessie Bernard 1973 cited by Gittins pg. 3) Another criticism is that families do not need adults of both sexes, or a heterosexual couple, as same sex couples can adopt or can use medical advances (e. . IVF or surrogacy) to become a biological parent. (Edholm 1982 cited by Gittins p. 4) Anthropologists prefer to use the term kinship rather than family, â€Å"the ties which exist between individuals who are seen as related both through birth (descent) and through mating (marriage). † This theory is concerned with the ways in which parentage us assigned, attributed and recognised, descent is traced, relatives are classified, rights are transferred across generations and gr oups are formed. Unlike the functionalist approach the kinship theory stresses the fact that kinship is a social construction and also it emphasises on the variability of kinship depending on how it is defined. There is a debate about whether kinship is biological or social, many of us believe that its biological because of we know who are parents are and they made us so we simply think that kinship is biological but there are cases where children are brought up by parents who they believe to be their biological parents and then find out that they have been adopted and then suffer an identity crises because they do not know who they are anymore. Their own suffering is caused by the ways in which we define kinship in society and there is a clear difference between a ‘biological’ and ‘social’ parents, we see the biological parent as the real parents and that has the strongest bonds with the child, this is a strong western belief. However in other cultures they believe that it is the person who rears the child is defined as the parent regardless who is involved in the reproductive process, for example in some cultures it is common for a child to be raise by a grandparent. ( R. T. Smith cited by Gittins p. ) fond this was common in Guyana and Jamaica and says that ‘close and imperishable bonds are formed through the ‘act’ of raising a child. Fictive kinship (Rapp 1980:292 cited by Gittins p5) stated that fictive kinship was a serious relationship, and how we turn friends into family. It was also argued that kinship is whatever we chose it to be whether that’s biological, social or fictive, it’s a way of identifying others as in some way special from the rest, people to whom the individual or collectively feel responsible in certain ways. Many anthropologists have argued that kinship is simply a system of meaning and symbols, they also state that animals reproduce, mate and form attachments but they do not have a kinship system. (Marx cited by Gittins p 5) argued that it distinguishes people from animals. In child birth motherhood is always known unlike fatherhood, however apart from carrying and giving birth to the child that is where the biological process stops the rest become socially constructed. Gender also affects the ways that kinship is constructed and defined, they are both universally present as mothers and children are but the content of them and the meanings ascribed to them is highly variable. Age is also an important fact when it comes to kinship as people grow up the household composition and resources change. All relationships are different and with society changing there has become many different norms of society. Families do not have to be blood ties or even live under the same roof all the time or have two sec parents. Family isn’t universal.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Credit Default Swaps

Credit Default Swaps Credit default swaps are the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other party. The purchaser of the swap must make the payments until it reaches the maturity date of the assigned contract. A better understanding of CDS is â€Å"One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange of regular periodic payments (essentially an insurance premium). If the third party defaults, the party providing insurance will have to purchase from the insured party the defaulted asset.In turn, the insurer pays the insured the remaining interest on the debt, as well as the principal†(Investor Words). The worth of credit default swaps results from whether or not a company fails to pay back the amount. The Washington Post Article â€Å"Credit default swaps are insurance products. It’s time we regulated them as such† by Barry Ritholtz on March 10, 2012 explained that it was time to change the laws regarding Credit Default swaps. The article talked about companies like Enron and AIG took advantage of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, that promoted unregualated insurance policies.The CFMA lead to companies wrongly swapping their defaults. The CFMA lead to the 2007-2008 Finanical Crisis that was responsible for the collapse of Lehman Brothers, CitiGroup, Bank of America, Fannie and Freddie. The Telegraph article titled â€Å"JPMorgan losses highlight need for credit default swap regulation† goes into detail about the $17. 5 billion loss JPMorgan experienced due to a series of derivate transactions in 2012. It was first believed that they only lost $2 billion during the first quarter of the year, but by the end it was calculated close to $17. billion. experience. The government is left in a position that they have to help them, in order to prevent another economic depression. Credit Default Swaps need to be either strictly regulated by the governments where these banks are performing these actions or banned all together. These banks are gambling with money that they don’t have to cover their losses. The more the banks can deregulate themselves from the government’s power, the more likely another major economic depression is to happen. Works Cited Blackden, Rick. JPMorgan Losses Highlight Need for Credit Default Swap Regulation. † The Telegraph. N. p. , 21 Mar. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2013 Gandel, Stephen. â€Å"Why It's Time to Outlaw Credit Default Swaps. † CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 18 June 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. Ritholtz, Barry. â€Å"Credit Default Swaps Are Insurance Products. It’s Time We Regulated Them as Such. † Washington Post, 10 Mar. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2013 â€Å"What Is Credit Default Swap? † Http://www. investorwords. com/5876/credit_default_swap. html. WebFinance, n. d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chem Warfare essays

History of Bio/Chem Warfare essays History of Biological and Chemical Warfare The use of biological weapons and efforts to make them more useful as a means of waging war have been recorded numerous times in history (NBC-MED). [As early as the sixth century BC biological warfare has been reported, when the Assyrians poisoned the wells of their enemies with rye ergot. When plague broke out in the Tartar army camp in 1346 during its siege of Kaffa (present day Feodosia in Crimea), the Tartars set the corpses of those who died on catapults and flung them over the walls. The defenders were forced to surrender when an epidemic of plague engulfed the city. It is also believed that Russian troops used the same tactic against Sweden in 1710. Smallpox has also been used as a biological weapon on several occasions. It is a belief that in the fifteenth century Pizarro presented South American natives with contaminated clothing. The English were said to have done the same during the French and Indian War when Sir Jeffrey Amherst gave French-allied Indians smallpox-laden blankets (NBC-MED).] Fort Carillon, which was held by the same Native Americans, was lost to the English when huge losses due to the sickness forced the defenders out. The first large-scale use of chemical weapons came during World War I. Starting in 1914, both sides used various tear gases in attacks. Yet it was on April 22, 1915 that the Germans used thousands of cylinders of chlorine to attack the unprepared French Territorial and Algerian units along a four-mile line in Ypres. The attack took the defenders completely by surprise, but the surprise would not last long as both sides began developing other gases and more effective delivery methods in the war. By the time World War I had come to an end, more than 100,000 tons of various chemical agents were used (Encyclopedia Britannica) to kill and injure over one million people (Watts) in Europe. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tips for Scanning Restoring Digital Photos

Tips for Scanning Restoring Digital Photos Do you have old faded or torn photos that youd like to give a facelift? Have you been meaning to take that box of old photos from Grandma and scan them? Learning to create and edit digital photos is fairly easy and very worthwhile. Digitally restored photos can be used to create digital scrapbooks, post to websites, share through email, and print for gift-giving or display. You dont have to be a technology whiz or a graphic designer to become proficient at photo restoration, but you will need a computer, a scanner, and a good (not necessarily expensive) graphics program. Scanning Tips for Digital Photos Check your photos for dirt, lint, or smudges. Gently remove surface dust and dirt with a soft brush or lint-free photo  wipe. Canned air, available at most office supply stores, helps to blast away dust and lint from photographic slides but is not recommended for heirloom print photos.Check the scanner glass for lint, hair, fingerprints, or smudges. Use a lint-free pad or wipe to thoroughly clean the glass (basically anything that is sold as safe for cleaning camera lenses will also work for your scanner). Household glass cleaner can be used to clean your scanner glass, as long as youre careful to spray it directly on the cloth before wiping, not directly on the glass surface. When using your scanner or handling photographs, it is best to wear clean white cotton gloves (available from photo stores and hardware stores) to avoid leaving fingerprints on your scanner or photos.Specify the type of scan. If youre scanning photos, you have a basic choice of color photo vs. black and white . When scanning family photos, it is usually best to scan in color, even if the source photo is black and white. Youll have more manipulation options, and you can change a color photo to black and white (grayscale), but not the other way around. Determine the best scan resolution to assure the quality of your digital photos. The optimal resolution depends on how the image will be printed, saved, or displayed. A good rule of thumb is to scan your photos at a minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch) to assure decent quality for enhancement and restoration techniques. Its even better to do 600 dpi or greater if you plan to eventually store these photos on CD or DVD, and have space on your computer hard drive to handle such large images.Carefully position your photo on the scanner face down on the glass, just like on a photocopy machine. Then hit prescan or preview. The scanner will take a quick pass of the image and display a rough version on your screen. Check to see that its straight, that no part of the photo has been cut off, and that the photo appears free of dust and lint.Crop the previewed image to include only the original photo. For archival purposes, do not crop only a portion of the photo at this point (you can do that lat er if you want a cropped photo for a specific purpose). However, you should make sure that all you are scanning is the actual photograph. (Some scanners and software will do this step for you automatically.) Avoid corrections while scanning. After scanning, youll be able to edit the image in a graphics software program which offers much more control. The order of steps should be: scan a basic image, save it, play with it.Check your file size before scanning. Youll want to make sure the chosen resolution you wont create a photo that is so large it will crash your computer. Some computers have enough free memory to handle 34MB photo files, and some dont. If the file size is going to be larger than you thought, then adjust the scan resolution accordingly before making the file scan.Scan the original image. This shouldnt take too long, but it could take a few minutes if youre scanning at a very high resolution. Take a quick bathroom break, or get your next photo ready for scanning. Saving Editing Your Digital Photos Now that youve got your photo scanned in, its time to save it to your hard drive. Be sure to choose an archival method and select a good photo-editing program. Storage Tips for Digital Photos Choose your file type. The best file type for scanning and saving archival photos is TIF (Tagged Image Format), the undisputed leader when the best quality is required. The popular JPG (JPEG) file format is nice because its compression algorithm creates smaller file sizes, making it the most popular photo format for web pages and file sharing. However, the compression that creates the small files also causes some quality loss. This loss of image quality is small, but becomes important when dealing with digital images that you plan to modify and re-save (something that you are likely to do when restoring damaged or faded photographs) because the loss of image quality compounds itself at each saving of the file. Bottom line- unless space on your computers hard  drive is at a real premium, stick with TIF when scanning and saving digital photos.Save an archive copy of the original photo in TIF format. You can then place it in a special folder on your hard  drive or copy to CD or DVD. Resist the urge to edit this original photo, no matter how bad it looks. The purpose of this copy is to preserve, as closely as possible, the original photograph in a digital format- a format that, hopefully, will outlast the original print photo. Make a copy of your scanned photo to work on. Use the copy instead of manipulating your original scan. Save it with a different filename (i.e., you can use the original file name with -edited on the end) to help prevent accidentally overwriting the original as you work on editing the photo. Choosing a Graphics Software Program The key to good digital photos is selecting a good graphics software program. If you dont have photo editing software yet, there are a lot of good options available- ranging from free photo editors to beginner photo editors, to advanced photo editing software. For photo restoration, a mid-range graphics software program offers the best balance of function and price. Step-by-Step Photo Repair and Restoration Now that youve done all the tedious work of scanning and saving your photos as digital images, its time to get started with the fun part- photo retouching! Pictures with stains, creases, and tears may have character, but they arent as pretty for framing or photo projects. These photo editing tips will help make your old pictures album-ready. Editing Tips for Digital Photos Open your photo editing software and select the photo. Be sure that it is a copy and not your original digital image. (This way you can always start over if you make a mistake.)Crop your photo using the crop tool. This is good to do in cases where there is a mat or extra wasted space in the photo. Depending upon your purpose, you may also wish to use the crop tool to cut out the background or focus in on a particular person. Since you have saved a copy of the original photo, you dont have to worry about losing important historical details by getting a bit creative with cropping.Fix photo flaws including rips, tears, creases, spots, and smudges, with a variety of handy fix-it tools.Creases, Tears, Spots, Smudges: Most image-editing programs have a cloning or copying tool to help fix photo flaws by filling them in with patches from similar areas in the picture. If the area is large, you may wish to zoom in on the area a bit before applying the cloning tool. The best alternative in low -budget photo editing software is usually the smudge tool.Dust, Speckles, Scratches: Set Radius and Threshold settings at their lowest settings and then slowly increase the Radius until you find the lowest setting that will rid your image of the dust or scratches. However, since that makes your whole image look blurry, you should then bring the Threshold setting way up and then slowly lower it until you find the highest setting that still removes dust and scratches from your photo. Check the results carefully- sometimes this process ends up removing eyelashes and other important content that mimic scratches. Many graphics programs also have a global dust/speckles filter, which looks for spots that differ from their neighboring pixels in color or brightness. It then blurs the surrounding pixels to cover the offending ones. If you only have a few large specks, then zoom in on them and edit the offending pixels by hand with a paint, smudge, or cloning tool.Bye, Bye Red Eye: You can re move that annoying effect in your photos with automatic red-eye removal, or with the pencil and paintbrush found in most photo-editing software. Sometimes an automatic Red-eye Removal tool will change the original eye color. If in doubt, check with someone who has knowledge of the persons eye color. Correct the color and contrast. You may find that many of your old photos have faded, darkened, or become discolored with age. With the help of your digital photo-editing software, you can easily repair and restore these photographs to their former glory.Brightness: Lighten up a dark photo with the brightness adjustment. If its too light, you can darken it a bit.Contrast: Best used in conjunction with Brightness, this feature adjusts the overall contrast- bringing out features in pictures that are mostly middle tones (grays with no true blacks and whites).Saturation: Use the Saturation tool to help turn back the clock on faded photos- giving photos more richness and depth.Sepia-tones: If you want to give your color or black-and-white photo an antique look, then use your photo-editing software to create a duotone (two-color picture). If your original photo is color, youll first have to convert it to greyscale. Then select duotone and choose your two colors (brown shades are the most c ommon for this effect). Sharpen: Use this to add focus to a blurry photo as the final step before saving. Enhancing Your Digital Photos If you have plans to use your newly-edited digital photos in a scrapbook, slideshow, or another digital project, then you may wish to jazz them up with colorization, captions, airbrushing, or vignettes. Enhancement Tips for Digital Photos ColorizationHave you ever wondered how your 19th-century great, great-grandfather may have looked in color? Or perhaps you want to see how that old black-and-white photo would look with a few touches of color- a pink bow here and a blue dress there. If your photo-editor is fairly full-featured, its easy to find out! Begin with a black-and-white photo.Using a Selection tool Lasso), select an area of the image that you wish to add color to. The Magic Wand can also be used for this step, but it requires a bit of technical knowledge and practice to use with black-and-white photos.Once the area is selected, go to the tint or color-balance controls and alter the color level values.Experiment until you get the desired effect.Repeat these steps for each area of the picture you wish to colorize.Colorizing photos can get a lot fancier than what weve detailed above, with techniques such as channel-splitting and transparent layers, plus tips for using the Magic Wand for selecting photo areas. Adding Captions If youve spent any time going through an ancestors collection of largely unlabeled photos, youll understand why we say that you owe it to your descendants (and other relatives) to properly label all of your digital photos. Many photo-editors offer a caption option which allows you to actually embed a caption within the header of JPEG or TIFF format files (known as the ITPC standard), allowing it to be transferred directly with the picture, and be read by the majority of graphics software programs. Other photo information that can be embedded with this method includes keywords, copyright info, and URL data. Most of this info, with the exception of the caption in some photo software, is not displayed with the photo but is stored with it and can be accessed under the photos properties by almost any user. If your photo editing software supports this feature, it can usually be found under Add Caption or File - Info. Check your help file for details. Creating Vignettes Many old photos have soft-edged borders, called vignettes. If your photos dont, its an easy effect to add. The classic vignette shape is an oval, but you can get creative and use other shapes such as rectangles, hearts, and stars. Or you can create a free-hand vignette, following the irregular outline of the subject- as in a portrait.Select an image with plenty of background around the subject. You need this to allow room for effective fading. Use the Selection tool in the shape of your choice (rectangular, oval, etc.), adding the feather option to feather the edges of your selection by 20 to 40 pixels (experiment to find the amount of fading which looks best for your photo). Then drag out the selection until you encompass the area you want to start the blend. The line at the edge of your selection will eventually be at the midway point of your faded edges (in other words, pixels on both sides of the line youve created will be feathered). Use can also use the Lasso selection tool if you wish to create an irregular border. Under the Selection menu choose Invert. This will move the selected area to the background (the part you wish to remove). Then select delete to cut this remaining background from the picture. Some photo-editing programs offer an easy one-click option for adding vignette borders, as well as other fancy frames and borders. Using these strategies, you can save family photographic heirlooms and create a historical record that can be shared digitally and in print.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Impact of Food Allergies on Quality of Life Research Paper

The Impact of Food Allergies on Quality of Life - Research Paper Example When I have really bad allergies, I am absent from the classes, because I don’t want to disturb the classes. I asked my professors to excuse, but they didn’t accept my excuse. In this research paper, I want to let people know that allergies are not contagious to other people, and even if it may disturb my other classmates, it is just something beyond my control. The body has a natural or acquired immune mechanism of dealing with foreign materials which enter it or come into contact with it. This hypersensitive immune mechanism that often detects a harmless substance as a pathogen and develops a mechanism to fight it is called an allergy. Different people are allergic to different substances. These may include pollen, dust, food materials such as bee honey. The body’s immune system which is supposed to guard our bodies against pathogens (organisms or materials which cause ill health) reacts in a manner trying to destroy the material or substance that is harmless. The substances that cause hypersensitive allergic reactions are called allergens. Antibodies in the body are responsible for fighting any foreign material that the body detects as pathogenic. When the body reacts in a hypersensitive manner towards the harmless substance such as dust or honey, these antibodies are produced to fight it. Consequently, this leads to the production of histamine.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Managerial Control Systems (Take home exam) Essay

Managerial Control Systems (Take home exam) - Essay Example to significantly reduce these emissions (p. 81). The choice of approach depends upon the nature of the business, its motivations and objectives, and the environment it functions in. As a result, there is no one best way by which organizations may achieve their carbon emission targets. The advantages to the firm in the second to the fourth approaches are self-evident, in that energy savings which reduce emissions reduce costs, and the positive publicity enhances the firm’s standing among its consumers. The first approach has to do with the trading of emissions certificates, wherein businesses whose operations require higher emissions purchase pollution permits from other firms who do not need theirs. In this manner, firms who reduce their emission levels have no need for their emission certificates, and may sell them to other firms and therefore earn revenue. Answer to Question No. ... Future-oriented routinely generated information for MCA refers to monetary carbon operational budgeting for short-term decision-making and carbon long-term financial planning long term decision making. Physical carbon accounting (PCA). For PCA, the past oriented routinely generated information includes carbon flow accounting for short-term decision making and carbon capital impact accounting for long-term decision making. The future-oriented routinely generated information for PCA refers to physical carbon budgeting in the short-term and long-term physical carbon planning for the long term. Both MCA and PCA are essentially interrelated. For instance, past-oriented monetary EMA relies on physical information regarding the flow of materials and energy made available by materials flow accounting approaches. On its own, however, past-oriented information is limited. It helps management discern sources of inefficiencies; thereafter, future-oriented information becomes necessary to forecas t the future effects of changes adopted at present (Abdel-Kader, 2011, p. 62). As for short-term information, this is useful where financial data is less volatile. When the data is characterised by high volatility, the long-term focus on carbon-related information becomes more suitable and reliable (Rajapakse & Wang, 2004). Answer to Question No. 3 Various factors influence the volume and type of information that an environmental management accounting (EMA) system provides. Among these are the number, type and functions of managers seeking information from the EMA system and the kind of decisions supported by this information. The structure of the organization and the manner in which its units relate to each other